Daycare directors are responsible for ensuring that children in daycare programs are kept safe and are learning progressively. Directors manage facilities providing child care and assume the responsibility of being in charge of their daily operations. In most cases, every aspect of a childcare facility falls under the discretion of the daycare director. He or she will typically be the person to approve any significant changes to the facility or its many programs. Generally, the requirements to become a daycare director will vary according to location.
Usually, there are certain basic qualifications to meet to become a daycare director. Regardless of the region, a person will generally need to graduate from high school. He or she may also be required to meet a certain age limit. In most cases, this will be at least 21 years of age. Since he or she will be working with children, the person may also be subjected to a a very thorough background check.
Often, to become a daycare director, an individual will begin with an entry-level position. The person may start out as a daycare teacher. In many regions, even for a job at this level, a person may be required to obtain a childcare certification. For individuals residing in the United States, an entry-level credential may be identified as a child development associate (CDA). As a teacher, an individual may work with children in instructing developmental programs.
One could be promoted from a teacher to a daycare manager in his or her quest to become a daycare director. The manager will have more responsibilities than a teacher, but fewer than a director. Generally speaking, the manager is like the middle man between the two positions. Working as a manager could prepare an individual for a career as a daycare or childcare director. Managerial duties such as supervising the teachers and solving problems before they reach the director could prepare someone for assuming the top position.
If an individual wishes to skip the lower-entry positions and jump straight into a directorial job, he or she should purse a college education. Most people seeking to become a daycare director should obtain a bachelor's degree in a major such as early childhood development. Any person working in childcare will usually be required to be certified in CPR as well. The duties of a daycare director can be numerous; he or she will be responsible for ensuring the children's safety, meals and activities, among many other tasks. Additionally, to run a facility, the director may also be responsible for ensuring the establishment has proper childcare licensing.