A limousine driver is a chauffeur, or driver-for-hire, who is responsible for driving patrons to and from various locations in either a limousine or a vehicle rented specifically for that purpose. Events that require a limousine driver can include weddings, dances, plays, theater and sporting events, birthdays, and assorted school functions like homecoming and prom night. Additionally, very important persons (VIPs) such as celebrities, dignitaries, and elected officials often employ limousine drivers in order to safely and comfortably reach their destinations.
In order to become a limousine driver, it is generally necessary to have a region-appropriate driver's license and a good driving record. An appropriate driver's license may include special testing and will depend upon your locality. It is a good idea to check local ordinances, regulations, and any requirements necessary to obtain the best information regarding what kind of driver's license and schooling you might need when embarking on your pursuit. Limousine drivers are also typically required to look professional in appearance, which may require a certain uniform that would indicate they are a chauffeur. The purchase of this uniform and its necessity will largely depend upon the company and the job in question. Many companies provide their own uniforms; however, other companies may require you to purchase your own.
There are many different opportunities available for individuals that are interested in learning how to become a limousine driver, including private opportunities as well as limousine companies that hire drivers outright. Some potentially good ideas for gaining employment at one of these companies could include advertising yourself for hire and checking the local telephone directory to determine nearby limousine companies that might be seeking new drivers. Additionally, checking the classifieds can also assist in finding a job as a limousine driver.
Also, there are schools that offer courses in learning how to become a limousine driver, which can usually be found online or in your local telephone directory. As well, many individuals often employ their own limousine drivers, either on a temporary or permanent basis for day-to-day employment. Another profitable consideration might be to consider having business cards printed up that list your services as well as your credentials. These cards can then be used to network with associates and friends in order to put the word out that you are seeking gainful employment and might be able to help you become a limousine driver quicker.