You can usually get adequate driving practice by combining professional driver training with your own practice drives outside the driving school. In many cases, your driver education instructor will pick you up at your home or school for driving practice during lessons. Instructor cars have dual controls so you can drive, yet he or she can still take over the operation of the vehicle if need be. After you receive your learner's permit, you may want to practice your driving skills in a family or other car with a parent or other adult who has a driver's license in good standing.
When you're first starting your own driving practice as a learner in order to gain enough hours to get your driver's license, it's a good idea to practice in low traffic areas near your home. For instance, large, mostly empty parking lots will give you some good space to start practicing different driving techniques. It's best to practice driving on suburban streets rather than main high traffic roads until you become more comfortable. Be sure to have appropriate maps in the car and don't drive so far off the main streets that you become lost. If you do become a bit lost, use it as part of your driver training and remain calm, pull over safely and figure out your maps to find your way back.
Practice parallel parking on a street without too much traffic. Give yourself a wide space, such as that for two cars, when you first attempt to parallel park. A mental exercise in which you visualize yourself going through all of the steps in parallel parking or another driving practice activity you find challenging may help you prepare better if you feel a little apprehensive.
The best way to get the most valuable driving practice is to keep practicing the skills that are expected of you in order to get your driving license. You must not only understand driving concepts as outlined in your learning materials, but you must be able to adequately put them into practice on the road. Most areas have a minimum number of practice hours required to earn a driver's license, but it's usually best to put in more than the required time to help you feel more confident in your ability. Don't forget to practice defensive driving techniques such as safely operating your vehicle according to current weather and road conditions.