Neurosurgery deals specifically with problems of the spine and brain region. These surgeries often are among the most dangerous to perform because of the delicate nature of the spinal cord and brain tissue. Within this field, there are many neurosurgery jobs, including surgeon, physician's assistant, nurse and teacher. These people work together to help patients recover from traumatic injuries and live better lives.
Of all of the neurosurgery jobs, the job of neurosurgeon requires the most preparation. All doctors are required to have a bachelor's degree and attend medical school to obtain a doctorate, and they must serve a prolonged residency. Typically, in the United States for example, a neurosurgery residency program can last as long as six years and allows the student to learn from experienced doctors and eventually to perform spine and brain surgeries.
Neurosurgery jobs for physicians are complex and varied. A physician performs a wide range of services for patients, from relatively safe procedures that will ease a herniated disc to much more complex work, such as spinal cord repair and removing tumors from the spine or brain. This neurosurgery job requires an encyclopedic knowledge of the spine and an expertise in surgery, because mistakes can lead to paralysis, brain damage, infection or even death. The reward of this job is the doctor's opportunity to help prevent paralysis, cancer and early death.
Neurosurgeon physician assistant jobs are an important component to discovering and treating a patient's neurological problems. These neurosurgery jobs allow for assisting during spine and brain procedures, ordering and reviewing magnetic resonance imaging tests and closing wounds. This job's main responsibility is to handle the small details of surgery so that the surgeon can focus on the procedure and the patient.
There are many neurosurgery careers, but neurosurgeon nurse is among the most popular. These neurosurgery jobs focus primarily on helping patients before and after surgery. A nurse administers pain medication, discusses the upcoming procedure with the patient and family, handles all post-operation care and can help the patient learn to retain independence after being discharged from the hospital.
The academic world is another important place for neurosurgery jobs. Teachers on the subjects of the spine, brain and surgical procedures are neurological physicians themselves. Teachers are responsible for passing on classroom understanding and allowing resident students to learn by observing spine and brain procedures. A teacher must research cutting-edge methods and theories in order to pass on this understanding to the next generation of surgeons.