Vocational training programs are as diverse and varied as the careers they train workers to perform. Equipment used in these programs is also quite varied, and has spun off an entire industry to supply the materials needed for students. Various companies now contract with public and private vocational schools to provide all manner of training and practice equipment, depending upon the school or an industry's needs. Vocational training equipment is similar or identical to the equipment, machines and tools used in the actual occupation. Thus, with the exception of books, paper and pens, training equipment will often vary widely.
In clerical occupations, the vocational training equipment typically used includes many types of office machines in addition to personal computers (PCs) and some of the standard business software programs. Typewriters, fax machines, 10-key adding machines, copy machines, multi-line telephones and laminators are also practiced on and used in preparation for the eventual occupation. Classroom work may include learning about filing systems, general business etiquette and business letter templates.
Certified nursing assistant or licensed vocational nursing programs will naturally require different kinds of vocational training equipment. These students will work with durable medical equipment items such as wheelchairs, hospital beds and oxygen tanks in addition to machines to measure and monitor patients' conditions and vital signs. Medical mannequins may be used for practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the Heimlich maneuver or simply repositioning patients. Classroom work and study is usually extensive.
The vocational training equipment necessary for the building trades includes any number of carpentry tools, both hand and electric versions. For carpenters, the tools will also vary as individuals might specialize in initial or finish carpentry. Apprentice plumbers will also work with plastic, copper and iron pipes, valves and other tools of their trade. Flooring specialists will work with ceramic tiles, wooden flooring pieces, stone pieces, linoleum and carpeting and will therefore require expertise in cutting, laying and adhering these materials.
Automobile mechanic and automotive body repair students will work with vocational training equipment necessary to fix mechanical or automotive body defects. These tools include both hand tools and an increasing number of computerized machines to adjust the computer-based systems of many newer automobiles. Automotive body repairers may also specialize in automotive body painting and the specialized equipment and paint required for vehicles.