A progress developer works in specialized kinds of development roles in IT. Many progress developers work with a software programming language called Progress 4GL, which was developed by a company called Progress Software. Some of these jobs also revolve around the idea of progress in artificial intelligence, where a progress developer might be involved in continual efforts to achieve more with AI.
Progress developers often need to have specific experience with progress 4GL. The name of this language has since been changed to OpenEdge Advanced Business Language, or OpenEdge ABL, but some employers might still reference it by its old name. This software uses relational database and other programming tools to help developers build more into an application or renovate it for modern goals or benchmarks.
One of the responsibilities of a progress developer might be to manage a team or project in order to meet deadlines. Some employers who hire progress developers talk about ownership of a project or process, where this individual might have a high level of responsibility in IT projects. These individuals might work full time and also be on call during special hours for problems with a specific tech project.
In many job roles, progress developers will often meet with a variety of other professionals to brainstorm around development goals. These professionals will often work with other developers and engineers, as well as database management staff or quality assurance staffers. They may report work in their departments to various other departments in order to verify that the different parties involved in projects are on the same page. These individuals might also meet with business leaders to get feedback on some of the goals and requirements for a specific project.
Generally, a progress developer is expected to have intimate knowledge of various aspects of development projects. This can include detailed analysis of user needs, extensive production of documentation on software, or close following of development toward pre-established standards or goals. This individual might also be involved in testing or debugging applications or other products to meet standards.
Many progress developers will use knowledge about operating systems, databases, and other technology to achieve their various goals. These professionals might also benefit from specific experience and knowledge of particular industries or fields where employers are using specific types of technology resources. Advanced degrees in computer science or similar fields can help a progress developer to bring the right skills and experience to the table.